Oneida Nation
Behavioral Health
Jurisdiction: The boundaries of the Oneida Reservation total 65,400 acres of land within Brown and Outagamie Counties near Green Bay, Wisconsin.
The Native American population living on or near the Oneida Reservation is one of the largest in the state of Wisconsin, second to the city of Milwaukee. As of April 2020, there were 17,386 enrolled Oneida members, with 7,927 members living on or near the Oneida Reservation. The substance misuse problem within the Oneida community is a devastating health and social concern. According to the 2019 Wisconsin Death Report, Native Americans living in Wisconsin have the highest mortality rate due to drug overdose compared with other racial and ethnic groups. The goals of the project aligned with the Oneida Tribal Action Plan (TAP) and allowed the Oneida Nation to take a proactive role in the fight against alcohol and substance misuse in its communities and aid in coordinating efforts throughout the Oneida community, resulting in efficient and comprehensive information gathering from multiple sectors such as public safety, public health, medical providers, and behavioral health. This information was used to enhance the Oneida Nation’s ability to implement tailored prevention and intervention activities to reduce overdose deaths and facilitate access to treatment and recovery services for survivors of nonfatal overdoses. As part of this effort, Oneida Behavioral Health coordinated with partners that were collecting and analyzing data to input that data into the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP).